Master’s in Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sports Management

Welcome to Kami’s PRTSM Portfolio!

I officially entered the Parks and Recreation profession in July of 2018. I had previous experience in private fitness management, non-profit work, and education, which provided sufficient background for my position as Recreation Manager for the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. My goal quickly became to learn as much as I could to provide my community with as many recreational opportunities as possible. After a couple of years of attending conferences and learning through networking I felt that the obvious step would be to hone those skills through official education.

The PRTSM program through NC State University has fine-tuned my skills, increased my knowledge, and provided me a kickstart to providing more industry focused and industry standard opportunities to my tribe. With professors, classmates, and my support network I attended classes through football games, airports, road travel, and even a few vacations. My portfolio provides an insight to my two years of assignments and course work. I will share my achievements in competencies and reflections on what I learned. I will also provide a final reflection on the Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Sports Management online degree program. Go Pack!

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